Reincarnate Samba: 1965 Mercedes-Benz L319


Ok, this truck has not the loving appeal of the VW Samba, but for sure it is not less head-turner than its german fellow.


This truck in particular carries a section of the roof detached from a Samba and then welded on its body. The seller sats that this truck has been restored in 1992, replacing all the rusted panels, and that the engine has been rebuilt too: he has invoices of this work and he has also posted some photos of the metal job done on it.


Clearly the paint pattern has taken inspiration from the big acid wave of San Francisco in 1965: it was quite usual to see on the little Samba but it clashes a bit with the austerity of the Mercedes-Benz badge. Nevertheless, the result is quite interesting. This is a must for old style campers. Find it for sale at €8,000 (today $9,850) here in Gersheim, Germany.

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